Inked Pathways

Introduction and Purpose

Nice to meet you! I took a 5 year hiatus from social media. During this time, I was probably the happiest I'd ever been. I wrote letters, journaled a lot, and even got a flip phone. I got back on socials a little over a year ago, and I'm wanting to get off them again. Letter writing is such an enormous hobby for me, and I'm ready to share it with the world. It's my craft and my obsession. I also love hiking. I live in Colorado, and I try to go once a week. Once I finish designing my website, I'll have space to share my adventures and my postal art. I'll also accept submissions to display on here. I'm interested in web rings with people as soon as I figure out html a little better. Soon, I'll have a guest book and cool contact link. ~*It's all a work in progress right now*~


I think social media is the downfall of our society. It became super fucking clear that was the case when I quit social media from 2017-2021. The corporate, bland internet is a bastardization of everything the Internet was meant for. Social media has robbed us of third places, as people don't leave their houses to socialize. People would rather be entranced with an endless string of short videos than connect with anyone. The algorithms of socials are making it so you're not even keeping up with friends anymore. I did not get on myspace from the instant messaging systems of the early 2000s, but when Facebook came along, I ended up relenting to it. I think the internet was better when people actually talked and connected. EVERYONE should feel the feeling of receiving a letter written to them appearing in their mailbox. I think people would be happier if we all wrote more letters, talked to strangers, and quit social media.

Kissing Camels formation at Garden of the Gods at twilight


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